Thursday, September 1, 2011

You Outta Be In Pictures!

For the last couple of days, we have been working on getting Evie on an established schedule. This has resulted in an unhappy Evie at times, so instead of posting unhappy Evie pictures, I thought I would share some different pictures.

One of our good friends, Melanie Jenkins, offered to take some pictures of the little one over the next several months. She gave us the photos this week, and here they are! 

Drum roll pleeeeeaaaaaassssseee.....

Isn't she beautiful? Striking? Absolutely stunning? We think so, too! 

1 comment:

  1. I really love this one she looks like an Anne Gedde's baby here. She reminds me of LaLa, and my little Amara, when they were that age. Agh!!! Thanks for posting these Sally. It is definitely hard to get there little schedules regulated, but please remember my earlier advice about the "side car" atleast until she is in a more regular schedule. I really helped my husband and I get better sleep.
