Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Day in the Life of Evie

Brad and I have been adjusting to being parents these last couple weeks. Everyone says it's the hardest thing we will ever do but also very rewarding. Adjusting to Evie's schedule is a challenge, but at least there's a schedule! Evie typically eats about every 2.5 or 3 hours and mostly sleeps between those feedings. She is staying awake more and more which is fun for us!
So far, we have noticed that Evie...
Has a 'roll with it' kind of attitude...
Has lots of patience with our dog in her space...
Gets really mad when she doesn't get what she wants...
Loves to be on her tummy...
Makes funny shapes with her little lips...
Likes Train's "Soul Sister"...
Doesn't mind fridge cold formula...
Would rather be held than not held.

We especially love that 'roll with it' attitude. My brother affectionately joked the other day that we would have to adopt for someone in our family to have that characteristic. I welcome that attitude to my gene pool! 

Evie also makes a wide array of grunting sounds (which I interpret as a gibberish conversation with me) and is starting to look in the direction of sound and movement. She's an awesome baby! 
Chillin' on the Couch

Evie is very excited to meet friends and family. She has met some friends over the past week, and this weekend, Brad's family is coming to Athens to see us and the Evester. She has her outfits planned out. She is quite the fashionista.
Evie in her polka dot dress
We have continued to stay in touch with Lauren and will continue to do so, hopefully, for the rest of our lives. When we started the adoption, I did not expect to grow so close to the birthmother of our adopted child, but Lauren has kind of become part of our family in the last few months. Evie will know she is adopted, of course, and she will know Lauren. I am so thankful that the Lord has shaped our arrangement so that the Bakers really know Lauren and Lauren really knows the Bakers. She is a gift to our lives!
Lauren and Evie
Today, Evie is 15 days old. In the same way that I can't really remember what it was like not to be married to Brad or to not have endured the health issues I have, it's beginning to get harder to remember our house before Evie. And it's only been 15 days!

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